The majority of photographs I make are in local woodland areas around sunset. I've always been more of a night owl, and this is the time I feel most connected to myself, as well as the environment and wildlife. The quiet, moody and almost melancholy side of nature often draws me in. These scenes reflect feelings I often seek to to validate, make peace with and find common ground through. Nature is also a place where I can experience deep rooted feelings of joy, so there are a spectrum of tones in my photographs. I love the collaborative work of aligning my perspective, my camera and the natural moment to capture the inherent artistic qualities - vibrant colors, shapes, textures, patterns and interactions - that exist naturally and abundantly around us.

I photograph nature because I love nature, so ethical practices are essential on my explorations. I leave space for wildlife, respect that I am a guest in their home and express love and gratitude with the life I am fortunate to encounter. I don't use bait to attract wildlife but will occasionally make photos of birds around feeders at local sanctuaries. I walk quietly and never use a flash, leave a trace, or harm the natural life. I am simply an observer and do not wish to interfere with their natural behavior. Though close-up portraits of wildlife can be interesting, I prefer to leave them space and make photos that incorporate the environment around them. I aim to share a positive experience with the life I encounter and value the moments we share mutually calm and comfortable connections.
Beneath us all is a planet we share and depend on. Improving our connection with the natural world, as well as our abilities to feel empathy and act with genuine compassion and respect towards ourselves and one another, will only benefit our efforts as we work together to support a healthy environment for all life on earth.
NOTE: If you venture into the woods or the wild, please be sure to research and engage in safe, respectful and ethical practices. Research how to respect the trails and those around you. Learn what to do if you encounter wildlife. I recommend always adventuring with a friend and/or telling others where you are, bringing a charged phone (keep it warm in the winter or the battery will quickly drain), staying on the path, reviewing an up-to-date map of a new area beforehand and keeping it with you on the trail, adventuring during daylight and packing first aid supplies and a headlamp. Wear bug spray, respect the space of others when you spray, and check yourself for ticks during and after your walk, thoroughly. You really never know what will happen in the wild - prepare with a good nights' sleep, food and plenty of water!